a history

starting in 1998, the brotherhood was formed by the cause of a freak accident. my friends and i where wandering the woods, when we came across a symbol, with a plus through it. the plus had curved ends, that stuck out of the circle, bent towrds the other points. for the fun of it, my friend called it the mark of the black moon, given that the moon was full that night. after saying this, the clouds moved, and a beam of light shined down upon the shape.

we all laughed at this, and walked away. since we were filming ourselves hanging out, we turned the cameras to the shape.

when we looked into the camera,we where stunned. in the treeline, 2 beings stood. 2 beings, which where invisible to the naked eye. one, the more prominant one, had a void like blackness of a diamond on where one would assume it's face is. the other one, less visible, had black horns coming out of the forehead on its blank face. we ran away, and, i dont remember what happened after that, as the footage is corrupted past that point.

we thought it was a halucination when we woke up, so we joked saying it was gods. we told the world what we saw, the world being no more than the 5 friends we had that didnt come.

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